• The award is given annually by the National Institute for Women (INAMU, for its acronym in Spanish)
  • This recognition is part of Fundecooperación’s strengthening processes on gender issues, preceding the Gender Equality Seal that INAMU also offers.
  • The Foundation participated in Category 5: “Recognition of organizational services that recognize the differentiated needs of women and men.”
  • The presented good practice was entitled, “Differentiated financing opportunities for women in sustainable productive activities at the national level.

Due to their efforts in innovation and commitment to issues of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Costa Rica, the National Institute for Women (INAMU) has bestowed on Fundecooperación for Sustainable Development (Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible) the recognition of “Good Labor Practices for Gender Equality”.

This award is part of an open call that INAMU makes every year, to recognize work on the issue of gender equality, as carried out by public and private organizations throughout the country. Fundecooperación participated in Category 5, the “Recognition of organizational services that recognize the differentiated needs of women and men”.

For this category, Fundecooperación presented the good practice, “Differentiated financing opportunities for women in sustainable productive activities at the national level,” which was possible due to the creation and implementation of the “Crédito Mujeres Natura.” This credit is a form of financing that serves the female population in their sustainable productive activities at the national level, based on an innovative approach that understands and is committed to reducing gender gaps, especially those associated with access to financing for productive activities led by women.

Andrea Matarrita, Fundecooperación’s Credit Manager, explains that “it is an honor for Fundecooperación to receive this recognition from INAMU, thanks to the work that our entire organization has carried out since its foundation. We believe that it is impossible to guarantee sustainable development without a gender perspective.

“This award recognizes the scope of a project that we have developed around the issue of gender equality, which includes internal regulations developed in our ‘Social, Environmental and Gender Policy, a credit for women who work on sustainability issues,’ as well as an investment in training staff in the use of inclusive language, in training and raising awareness on gender issues, and in changing the mentality around women’s roles, among other actions,” added Matarrita.

What Was the Process that Fundecooperación Had to Carry Out, in Order to Opt For This Recognition?

The first thing the foundation did was participate in INAMU’s open call, which entailed submitting its registration and completing the requirements requested by INAMU. Then, the institution analyzed all submitted proposals that met the established criteria.

These were divided into five areas associated with the organization’s motivations to implement good practices, such as: how it is used and the effect it has on people; issues related to how to discuss the initiative’s existence, both internally and externally; and sustainability mechanisms and examples of how and what factors motivated changes in traditional gender roles and stereotypes.

Subsequently, after reviewing the submitted documents, INAMU coordinated an interview with the organization to clarify doubts and expand on certain questions raised in the application. Finally, INAMU official informed Fundecooperación that it had received this recognition.

What Credit Did Fundecooperación Design to Earn This Recognition?

“The credit is called Mujeres Natura, which has been active on the national market for 19 months and was born from a goal to provide financing opportunities that integrated gender perspective, equality, and women’s empowerment in managing biodiversity, where there are still gaps at the national level,” said Matarrita.

This financing lends amounts ranging from 500,000 colones to 10,000,000 colones, for a term of 60 months, and has differentiated and custom periods, as well as a total or partial grace period according to the conditions of the productive activity. Guarantees include mortgages, furniture, collateral, fiduciary, and endorsements from FIDEIMAS.”

In addition, it can be used to purchase specialized and efficient equipment or machinery, as working capital to develop the activity, for improvements in infrastructure, and for improvements to processes or final products.

This credit is part of the Programa + Mujeres + Natura, which was created to strengthen women’s economic autonomy and address gender gaps in natural resources management. It was developed by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MINAE, for its acronym in Spanish) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), with support from the Office of the First Vice President of the Republic.

What Has Been the Result of Its Implementation?                                                    

As of November 2021, loans have reached 86,720,000 colones.

“The average amount extended to women is close to 3,000,000 colones. Likewise, a total of 32 women have received financing and more than 90% of beneficiaries are people at social risk, as declared by IMAS, and who received a backing guarantee from FIDEIMAS and with it, an interest rate subsidy,” Feoli mentioned.

The sectors to which these credits have been allocated correspond 44% to the livestock sector, 26% to agriculture, 18% to artisanal fishing, 4% to the marketing sector, 4% to pig farming activities, and 4% to poultry production.

Women who want to know more or who would like to apply for this type of credit may call 2225-4507, send a WhatsApp message to 8615-2112, or visit the foundation’s social networks, such as @Fundecooperacion.

What Other Actions Has Fundecooperación Implemented on The Issue of Gender Equality?

“As part of the actions that Fundecooperación has launched and within the framework of its alliance with UNDP, during the implementation process for this good practice, the foundation’s staff specialized in actions and understanding with training and awareness processes through gender training,” said Matarrita.

Empresas galardonadas posan con personalidades como Epsy Cambell, Vicepresidenta de la República y Marcela Guerrero, Ministra de la Condiición de la Mujer

Likewise, Fundecooperación is undergoing a gender policy strengthening process, to position itself as an organizational reference point in its products and services, in the execution of projects with a gender perspective, and in the creation of spaces that support reducing the gender gap that our country still faces.

In 2022, together with Fundecooperación, another 18 public and private organizations were recognized for their good practices in gender equality. If you would like more information about this award, please access the official INAMU website, where you can find the contest’s rules and other resources of interest that can help you and your organization take steps toward real gender equality.


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