Customized Credit Opportunities
We promote the development of MSMEs and community organizations by giving them access to customized credit and technical advisory.
Our Projects
We work on connecting international cooperants, local institutions, communities and MSMEs to find sustainable solutions with impact.
Concrete Results in Sustainable Development
Our foundation achieves concrete results in sustainable development through synergies between international and local cooperants and access by MSMEs to financing opportunities. Working in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals, we offer organizational partnering, training and financing for impacting people, communities, projects and the future of our country.
Learn about our Social, Environmental and Gender Policy
All our policies must be observed by all institutions and external consultants carrying out activities in partnership with or supported by Fundecooperación.
If you know of a situation that violates our policies, in which a collaborator, partner institution or supplier of Fundecooperación has been involved and you wish to report it, please click on the button
Have you seen the good news that Fundecooperación brings you?
We are always constantly growing. Therefore, in this section you can always find our most recent events.
Upcoming events
Let’s Build Your Dreams Together!
Teléfono: + (506) 2225-4507
(506) 2225-4507