We manage funds to support innovative projects with a commitment to sustainable development.
We are the bridge connecting international cooperants, local institutions, communities and MSMEs. Our track record has earned us the backing of different international organizations that believe in our work of supporting and assisting with innovative and sustainable solutions in every nook and cranny of our country.
We seek sustainable solutions and innovative projects that can help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These are some of the programs we manage:

INNOVA-VERDE is an ideas competition jointly funded by the European Union and the German government, whose purpose is to finance innovative projects that contribute to the mitigation of carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases in the livestock sector in Costa Rica.
At least 20 innovative ideas will be selected to receive non-refundable funds for a total amount of up to 300,000 euros. This contest is led by the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG), with the coordination of the Cooperación Alemana para el Desarrollo – GIZ and the Fundación Banco Ambiental (FUNBAM), while Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible is in charge of the execution.
The importance of this initiative lies in its ability to promote and streamline sustainable solutions in the country’s livestock sector. The purpose is to maintain efficiency and profitability while reducing their environmental impact and strengthening their capacity to adapt to climate change.

After 6 years of good management of the Adapta2+ Program, we have achieved a scaling up thanks to the Adaptation Fund that will allow us to continue with the agri-food systems.
Project Name: Adapta2+ Scaling Up Program “Increasing the resilience of vulnerable populations in Costa Rica by scaling up Adapta2+”.
Objective: Increase the resilience of vulnerable populations in Costa Rica, particularly women, young people, rural people, indigenous populations and others, by scaling up adaptation actions validated in Adapta2+, as well as strengthening climate finance, value chains and organized communities, within the framework of food systems.

The project “Public Innovation Laboratory with a territorial approach to strengthen environmental and climate action through the circular economy” seeks to support and promote, from a territorial and ecosystemic perspective, those public policies that promote the strengthening of the circular economy, promoting institutional coordination between the different levels of the public sector, civil society and the private sector. The project is executed jointly by Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible and the Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española en La Antigua (CFCE Antigua).

Strengthens the capacity to integrate climate actions in regional and municipal planning in the country’s regions, starting with a pilot in 20 cantons for the effective integration of adaptation actions in planning mechanisms. It is extended with climate risk assessments, methodological guidelines and training to identify adaptation needs in the remaining 62 cantons. It includes financing strategies for adaptation and a mechanism for monitoring and evaluation.

Seeks to share experiences, information and products generated (videos, guides, standards, articles, infographics and others) by the Adapta2+ Program. The objective of this project is to share the knowledge created within the framework of the Adapta2+ Program to promote good practices and facilitate scalability in relation to climate change adaptation in the agricultural, water resources and coastal sectors.

Tourism – Local Development Engine (Tu-MoDeLo) is an initiative that identifies market opportunities in tourism for sustainable, climate change-adapted agricultural value chains, while at the same time improving the standard of living of agricultural communities. The initiative is being developed in the Northern Area and Guanacaste.
Tu-MoDeLo is the result of a public-private partnership between Fundecooperación, the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), local tourism associations and a dozen other institutions and private sector partners, all working together, demonstrating that Costa Rican tourism is a driver of local well-being in agricultural communities by creating jobs and growing the economy in order to improve vulnerable to climate change communities’ well-being.
Some of the key activities of the Tu-MoDeLo project include:
- Mapping key tourism regions with potential for becoming local markets.
Selecting value chains and inventorying current suppliers.
- Building the business capacities of producers and facilitating access to financial resources.
Stimulating demand for sustainable local products among tourism enterprises and signing sustainable procurement commitments.
Having tourists participate in order to generate demand.
More information about Tu-MoDeLo
To know about the tourist and agricultural companies in the North Zone and the North Pacific (Guanacaste) that are part of Tu-MoDeLo, you can contact us or subscribe to our periodic newsletter to receive information directly into your email.

ADAPTA2 is a program funded by the United Nations Adaptation Fund to support adaptation programs in developing countries that are vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.
The goal of the initiative is to reduce the vulnerability of communities to the impact of climate change and enhance resilience in the following sectors that have been classified as critical: agriculture, water resources and coastal areas, and capacity-building.
Adapta2+ has supported more than 40 national initiatives expecting to impact 483 farming families and benefitting more than 50 water operators that provide water to more than 50,000 people in different communities around the country, so that they can adapt to climate change.
This program is executed by Fundecooperación, as the implementing entity, with the support of the Office of Climate Change in the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG).
Completed Projects 1994-2023
Fondo de Recuperación Urbana Verde
The program was carried out between 2007 and 2012, with a budget of $13 million; it was executed by Fundecooperación as Secretariat and financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It consisted of a successful model of cooperation between Costa Rica in Central America, Benin in West Africa and Bhutan in South Asia, which resulted in 43 multilateral projects to develop innovative solutions to common challenges in the four interconnected pillars of sustainable development: economic development, social development, environmental protection and gender equity.
About the Green and Biodiverse Urban Recovery Fund
The project “Green and Biodiverse Urban Recovery Fund – FRUV” seeks to be a mechanism to support Non-Governmental Organizations, Associations, Grassroots Groups and MSMEs for the implementation of innovative green initiatives that are selected from the receipt of project profiles submitted through an open call. In this way, the beneficiaries contribute with their innovation to a greener and more biodiverse city that contributes to the economic recovery of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this way, one of the fundamental criteria for selecting the initiatives that obtained co-financing is that they have a positive environmental component and allow their actions to contribute to the National Biodiversity Strategy 2016 – 2025, the country’s National Decarbonization Plan and the National Adaptation Policy. Likewise, to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Learn more about the project:

Visión de Primera Línea
VPL 2019 is a project of the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Risk Reduction (GNDR), funded by the European Union, which aims to enhance inclusion and collaboration between governments, people at risk, and civil society on policies and practices to reduce risk and strengthen community resilience.

Microfinanzas para la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas
Microfinancing for ecosystem-based adaptation, known as MEbA, offers solutions that enable microfinance institutions (MFIs) and their customers to build capacities to manage climate risks and implement ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) alternatives.
The project’s goal is to benefit more than 23 micro-financers worldwide, with Fundecooperación coordination, UN Environment implementation, and financing from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
Because of its sustainability approach, Fundecooperación has been selected to be a part of this initiative, the idea being to build the adaptive capacity of rural communities and especially agricultural producers while it develops its credit program with innovative financial services and products for dealing with climate change.
MEbA implementation strengthens Fundecooperación’s Customized Credit Program by adding new, innovative financial products that improve the way climate change is addressed.
Through the direction and management of these international climate action programs and capacity-building with the sharing of success stories, lessons learned and knowledge manuals, Fundecooperación helps Costa Rican producers and their families learn how to carry out adaptation and mitigation actions and identify the necessary and effective tools.
Fondo Ciudad Verde
The Green City Fund (FCV) was created thanks to an alliance between the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible and the German Development Cooperation (GIZ). FCV promotes “greening” initiatives within the Interurban Biological Corridors (CBI) Rio Torres Biosphere Reserve and Rio Maria Aguilar, such as reforestation, rehabilitation of green spaces, tourism, recreation, agriculture and urban gardening, and green architecture, among others. The aim is to value, conserve and make use of the benefits of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the city.
FCV is implemented under two financing modalities:
- Non-reimbursable and competitive
- Refundable with customized credit conditions, applicable with special attention to the territories:
- Within the Interurban Biological Corridors of the Torres River Biosphere Reserve and the Maria Aguilar River.
- Within or around the other Interurban Biological Corridors in the Central Conservation Area: Garcimuñoz; Cobric Surac; Pará-Toyopán; Achiote.
- Other territories interested in interventions for a greener city.
Both modalities are subject to FCV guidelines.
ICAT Iniciativa para la Transparencia
Improve transparency in climate data of mitigation actions in the National Climate Change Metrics System. Completes development of guidelines for analysis of sustainable development and transformational change impacts of mitigation actions. Generates information for decision making and policy design based on accurate and timely data.

Iniciativa de Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para la Transparencia-CBIT y Paquete Reforzado para la Acción Climática-CAEP
Supports the development and strengthening of climate data quality management tools and national capacities to meet the reporting requirements of the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (EIF) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in order to track and demonstrate compliance with its climate targets.

Partners for Review
Creates an online multi-stakeholder reporting mechanism to make visible the contributions of non-state parties signatories to the National Pact for the Advancement of Sustainable Development Goals, which seeks to make the 2030 Agenda a country commitment, in a way that facilitates access, monitoring and accountability of the SDGs through alternative data.

Fortalecimiento de Capacidades en Porcicultores de Costa Rica
The “Virtual Field Days” were aimed at transferring knowledge among producers through success stories and lessons learned to implement sustainable practices in their production systems. Topics addressed included: nutrition, waste management, breeding techniques, reproduction, biosecurity, management of production records and costs, legal aspects and permits for the sustainable development of production activities.

Program for South-South Cooperation (PSC) between Benin (Africa), Bhutan (Asia) and Costa Rica (Central America)
Carried out between 2007 and 2012 with a budget of $13 million, the program was implemented by Fundecooperación, as Secretariat, and funded by the Netherlands. It consisted of a successful model of cooperation between Costa Rica in Central America, Benin in West Africa, and Bhutan in South Asia that led to 43 multilateral projects for developing innovative solutions to common challenges of the four interconnected pillars of sustainable development: economic development, social development, environmental protection, and gender equality.
Triangular Cooperation between Costa Rica, Morocco and Germany
In 2013, Costa Rica, Morocco and Germany launched a cooperation project to strengthen management and sustainable use of forests, protected areas and watersheds in the context of climate change, creating joint actions through knowledge-sharing among the three countries.
This project is considered an example, nationally and internationally, for its concrete results, confirming the positive impact of south-south and triangular cooperation.
Proyecto de Gestión Integrada del Recurso HídricoIntegrated Water Resource Management Project
The goal of this project was to promote integrated management and conservation of water resources in the Térraba-Sierpe National Wetland and Grecia areas through experience-sharing, social participation, and the strengthening of ASADAs (local water management associations) and other local organizations.
Developed with CRUSA funding, the project was implemented by Fundecooperación in collaboration with the University of Costa Rica.
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